Think it’s impossible to conduct path-breaking research, teach world-class students, offer significant contributions to your field — and still make it home in time for dinner? Think again. At SVRMC, we believe that our most important resources are those that leave every night and come back the next day, and we work hard to foster an environment that helps faculty and researchers not only excel in their fields, but also balance their personal priorities outside of SVRMC. Some might say that having a reputation for excellence and having a life don’t mix — and turning impossibilities into realities is what we do best.
college has Science Journal www.journal.svrmc.edu.in
Research cell:
Name Subject
* Dr K.Surendra Babu M.Sc., MPhil., Ph.D Chairmen Chemistry
* Dr M.KrishnaMurthy M.Sc., Ph.D Member Chemistry
* Dr M.Kishore M.Sc., Ph.D Member Chemistry
* Dr P.Srinivasrao M.Sc., MPhil.,Ph.D Member Physics
* Dr Y.TarakaLakshmi M.Sc Ph.D Member Zoology
* Dr K.V.R.Srinivas M.A., MPhil., Ph.D Member Political Science